November 20-22, 2024 | Boston, MA, USA | Information | Registration | Venue/Accommodations| Directions | Contact us
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Shandor Simon

Beaver Country Day School
Director of Technology
Chestnut Hill, MA
Shandor Simon has spent the past 30 years working at the intersection of technology and education, helping students and faculty understand and navigate the increasingly digitized world around them.

In 2021, he joined Beaver Country Day School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, as the director of technology, building a new technology team and launching its computational thinking initiative. Before that, he worked for 22 years at the Latin School of Chicago, where he founded and developed its computer science department, which provides instruction for all its students from junior kindergarten through high school. He is also a senior collaborator for Educational Collaborators. In this capacity, he helped establish its cybersecurity assessment offering.

Simon served on the advisory boards of Blackbaud (K12), WhippleHill, and CybatiWorks. He also helped found and was a board member of CS4IL, a computer science advocacy nonprofit; served as the president of the Chicago chapter of the Computer Science Teacher Association; and was a board member for Lake Michigan Area Independent Schools. In the public education sphere, he served as the facilities steering committee member for Komarek School District 94 in Illinois and currently serves as an elected school committee member for the Nashoba Regional School District in Massachusetts.

Simon is on the Association of Technology in Independent Schools (ATLIS) DEI Advisory Committee, contributed to the new ATLIS TILS credentialing program, and helped with the ATLIS Cybersecurity Recommendations. He was the Conference Committee chair for the ATLIS 2020 Annual Conference and a mentor and coach for several ATLIS Early Career and Aspiring Technology Directors and ALI participants.

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