November 20-22, 2024 | Boston, MA, USA | Overview | Registration | Venue/Accommodations| Directions | Contact us
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Friday, November 22

9:45am EST

All Together for Equity: Moving Towards the Common Good
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
Too often, community responses to inequities see schools as the primary drivers of societal change. This presentation addresses this critical dilemma – how can educators teach inclusive content and implement equitable teaching practices without the engagement of all members of the school community – including all families? Clearly, we cannot create inclusive schools without also addressing bias and discrimination in the broader community. This presentation will focus on two main ideas. First, we'll explore how to build inclusive school environments within our increasingly diverse school populations. Discussion will include how a family's social identity influences their engagement and advocacy and why educators should expect conflict as part of the family-school relationship (and what to do with it!). Second, we'll explore how families from high income backgrounds upend education equity and ways to address this issue and move our entire school community towards education for the common good.
avatar for Liz Dempsey Lee

Liz Dempsey Lee

Educational Consultant, Liz Dempsey Lee Consulting
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

10:55am EST

Educating Human Beings: Authenticity, Agency, and Transformationally Relevant Schools
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
Too often students experience school as a series of things that happens to them over which they have little or no control. This leads to transactional mindsets and a sense that all school is for is investing in future (markers of) success: college/university acceptance, major, grad school, career, salary. This session challenges educators and leaders to think of school as an investment in who our students are now, as people developing identities, figuring out how they want to see and be seen in the world, forging world views, and determining how they want to act and interact with others. Through a spider chart activity on educational models, a discussion of ways to leverage external motivators (like grades) for intrinsic passion development, and a reflection on what constitutes true 21st century skills and capacities, participants will acquire strategies and tactics for combatting relevance resistance and for making school more human-centered.
avatar for Marc Aronson

Marc Aronson

Dean of Acadmics, Cheshire Academy
Marc Aronson is Dean of Academics at Cheshire Academy in Cheshire, Connecticut. He started there as a member of the English Department in 2008 after three years at AMSA Charter School in Marlborough, Massachusetts. He holds a BA in English from Tufts and an MSc in Comparative and... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Wright

Rachel Wright

Director of the Merle-Smith Campus, Moravian Academy
Rachel serves as the upper school director at Moravian Academy in Bethlehem, PA, the ninth oldest independent school in the nation. Rachel got her start in education as a math teacher in the School District of Philadelphia and made the switch to independent schools in 2011. Rachel... Read More →
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
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