November 20-22, 2024 | Boston, MA, USA | Overview | Registration | Venue/Accommodations| Directions | Contact us
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Friday, November 22

9:45am EST

All Together for Equity: Moving Towards the Common Good
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
Too often, community responses to inequities see schools as the primary drivers of societal change. This presentation addresses this critical dilemma – how can educators teach inclusive content and implement equitable teaching practices without the engagement of all members of the school community – including all families? Clearly, we cannot create inclusive schools without also addressing bias and discrimination in the broader community. This presentation will focus on two main ideas. First, we'll explore how to build inclusive school environments within our increasingly diverse school populations. Discussion will include how a family's social identity influences their engagement and advocacy and why educators should expect conflict as part of the family-school relationship (and what to do with it!). Second, we'll explore how families from high income backgrounds upend education equity and ways to address this issue and move our entire school community towards education for the common good.
avatar for Liz Dempsey Lee

Liz Dempsey Lee

Educational Consultant, Liz Dempsey Lee Consulting
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

9:45am EST

Fostering Inclusive Learning Communities through Global Literature
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
In today's diverse educational landscape, cultivating inclusive school cultures that honor the unique backgrounds and perspectives of all students is essential. This session will demonstrate how to harness the power of global literature to promote empathy, understanding, and cultural appreciation among students from various backgrounds. In this session, participants will learn to design and implement a bespoke curriculum that celebrates diversity and fosters inclusivity in K-12 education. Drawing from my experience in crafting English Language coursebooks and teaching Language and Literature to secondary students, I will share a case study of a successful unit titled "Around the World in Short Stories." Attendees will engage in group discussions and a multimedia presentation. They will explore strategies for selecting diverse texts, innovative assessment practices, and methods to foster inclusive dialogue. Participants will leave with practical tools and resources to create empathetic learning environments that empower all students to build a common purpose.
avatar for Jefferson Pereira

Jefferson Pereira

Language and Literature Educator, Consulting Curriculum Designer and Content Developer, United Lisbon International School
Jefferson Pereira is an educator with twenty years of experience in teaching and nearly a decade in curriculum design and materials writing. His professional work includes writing CLIL, TBL, and project-based coursebooks for middle and secondary school learners, now used across Latin... Read More →
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

9:45am EST

Guiding Documents: Bringing Clarity to Conflict
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
This session will use tabletop activities to demonstrate the value of developing internal "Guiding Documents" around hot-button or risk-rich topics. When working through difficult topics - politics, identity, conflict, to name a few - policies often fall short of delivering solutions that preserve relationships. Guiding documents are internal resources that supplement policies and offer clarity around shared priorities, allowing those on the front lines to navigate complexity with clarity and generosity. Using real and relevant examples, this session will explore effective strategies to restore and/or preserve important relationships while navigating difficult topics.
avatar for Amy Chaney

Amy Chaney

Principal, Lexington Christian Academy
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

9:45am EST

Performance Based Promotion: Putting Students at the Center of All Learning
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
What would it look like if you replaced tests and letter grades with projects, portfolios and public exhibitions? What if students moved on to the next level, not based on age or time, but when they demonstrated proficiency on essential skills? Performance-based promotion is the fundamental premise of Parker Charter, a public charter school in Massachusetts with 29 years of experience of using portfolios and public exhibitions to assess student readiness to move to the next level of study. This session details how the teachers and students of Parker Charter design and complete projects, share feedback, make revisions and progress through the program. The highlight of the session will be small group discussions with Parker students who will share their academic portfolios, showcasing their growth over time. The students will reflect on the process of learning and what they learned about themselves through hard work, reflection and revision.
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Student Presenters

Students will participate in several sessions at this year's Showcase. As an organization dedicated to student agency and to the amplification of diverse voices and perspectives, NEASC is proud to offer a selection of student-centered presentations. See session descriptions for d... Read More →
avatar for Brian Harrigan

Brian Harrigan

Head of School, Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

9:45am EST

Project POG: Purposeful Design for PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
Madison Public Schools, CT will share their journey in transforming districtwide systems to leverage Profile of a Graduate (POG) through district curriculum design standards, performance assessments and teacher and leader evaluation. Their eleven-year journey has resulted in almost 900 adopted units (across disciplines) that ensure a systemic approach and shared values to develop the Profile of a Graduate in all learners. We will examine the districtwide tools and systems that support foundational element 2.2a and many of the sub-elements of the NEASC section on Student Learning. We will illustrate the system through our journeys in reimagined high school pathways and authentic examples of transformative K-12 curricula. Student voice is an important part of the redesign process. Take a close look at the design of a course and a unit where students develop in both content and profile of a graduate capacities which are ultimately demonstrated in end-of-unit complex performance tasks.
avatar for Gail Dahling-Hench

Gail Dahling-Hench

Assistant Superintendent, Madison Public Schools
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

9:45am EST

The Power of an Embedded Mindfulness Program in School Communities
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST
When Middlesex School embarked on an embedded Mindfulness program over a decade ago it was done so, only after careful consideration and scrutiny of the growing research regarding its benefits for teenagers. At the time we were learning that a practice of mindfulness can increase concentration, emotional regulation, positive social skills, care for others, self-esteem, quality of sleep, executive functioning, fortify the immune system, and improve overall well-being. The research also suggested that mindfulness decreases test anxiety, behaviors associated with ADHD, outbursts of anger, inflammation, negative emotions, and depression. The research has been so compelling that mindfulness has been incorporated into most mental health treatment modalities. While many schools are trying to find ways to incorporate elements of a mindfulness curriculum, we, at Middlesex School, have found that a fully integrated Mindfulness Program that reaches all areas of school life has exponential benefits for students and the entire community.
avatar for Meg McLaughlin

Meg McLaughlin

Director of Health and Wellness, Middlesex School
avatar for Erika Mills

Erika Mills

Director of Strategic Initiatives, Middlesex School
A 1999 graduate of Middlesex, Erika first returned to campus as a coach with the girls’ crew program (leading her fourth boat to a New England Championship in 2005) and subsequently joined the faculty as an assistant director of admissions in 2008. Erika holds a B.A. in psychology... Read More →
Friday November 22, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am EST

10:55am EST

50 Years of Lessons Learned: Student Voice in Schools
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
Explore the power of student voice and identify why "student voice" is integral to learning success for all students in our schools. In this session participants will consider working definitions of student voice in shared decision making using a democratic school high school as the model. This presentation of a governance model will uncover a range of challenges and supports to building opportunities for student voice in our schools. Examples will be given on how a school community can grow the supports and build bridges to meet the challenges of growing student voice in their school community. Time allowing, each school will have an opportunity to make an action plan to take back to their school.
avatar for Linda Addante

Linda Addante

Council Executive, Hanover High School, NH
avatar for Julie Stevenson

Julie Stevenson

Principal, Hanover High School, NH
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Student Presenters

Students will participate in several sessions at this year's Showcase. As an organization dedicated to student agency and to the amplification of diverse voices and perspectives, NEASC is proud to offer a selection of student-centered presentations. See session descriptions for d... Read More →
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST

10:55am EST

A Sense of Belonging: Unifying diverse marginalized students and communities through a common competency framework and digital portfolio system
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
This session will involve participants in small group discussion, active listening, critical and creative thinking, and sharing your own experiences and expertise. We will discuss diversity and marginalisation, in international contexts and in your own context, and introduce you to The Digital School: its vision, mission and core values; its diverse operational contexts, working with marginalised students in 14 countries; and the model that unifies these diverse individuals and communities. Marginalised students lack access to consistent structured education, and digital education is helping to provide that access. But even when they have access, there is often no system to collect evidence of learning, further hindering students’ continuing journeys into higher education, vocational training, and employment. We will outline the aspirational partnership between The Digital School and Mastery Transcript Consortium, created to design a competency framework, a digital portfolio system, and a portable digital credential, specifically to benefit marginalized students.
avatar for Susan Bell

Susan Bell

Chief Program Officer, Mastery Transcript Consortium
With nearly two decades of experience working in public school systems, Susie supports MTC’s network of member schools as they work together and within their high schools to implement a Mastery Transcript or MTC Learning Record. Susie had previously served as the superintendent... Read More →
avatar for Lesley Snowball

Lesley Snowball

Director of Education, The Digital School, Dubai
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST

10:55am EST

Co-opt, Corroborate and Co-Create: Implementing School's Evidence based Well-being approach: a Case Study
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
Does my school explicitly foster an intrinsic escalation of one's wellbeing among students? How might students be involved in developing and monitoring a wellbeing toolbox? This proposal is school's pilot project, an action research method focused on building and postulating learner centred Wellbeing strategy central to school's culture and environment. Through its strategic intent and social-emotional learning programmes, the school started addressing Student's well-being as an inclusive practice since 2018.While the school's Accreditation data and Cambridge Well-being Check evidence shows high levels of school life satisfaction, it highlights limitations related to intrinsic satisfaction. Drawn from Laura Taylor, et.al., Subjective wellbeing Concept (IBO,2022), this proposal intends to address these limitations by gathering qualitative and quantitative evidence to examine the factors that influence the self-perceived wellbeing of students and teachers in school context. The school's survey sample comprised of 500 high school students and 150 teachers, 50 sample interviews and reflective anecdotes.

Sonali Bajaj

Deputy Head Secondary School, Dhirubhai Ambani International School

Swarnalatha Potukuchi

Curriculum Coordinator and Accreditation Coordinator, Dhirubhai Ambani International School
avatar for Rachana Shah

Rachana Shah

Head of Learning Support and Child Protection Officer, Dhirubhai Ambani International School
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST

10:55am EST

Collaborative Approaches to Text Expansion: ELA Curriculum in the Age of Book Challenges
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
In this session, ELA Curriculum Coordinators will present approaches to expanding text offerings while preparing for book challenges. Representation of multiple identities is critical to the English Language Arts curriculum (Bishop 1990), and we are responsible for supporting teachers to expand their offerings and prepare to teach those texts in culturally responsive ways. Diverse texts support students to see multiple modes of language as both acceptable and valuable; this is a critical component of working toward linguistic justice (Baker-Bell 2020). With the onslaught of book challenges and bans across the country, this work has become more urgent. School leaders must develop frameworks for text selection and strategies for approaching book challenges in the classroom and community. We will share strategies for working with teachers around text selection; additionally, we will discuss transferable policy frameworks we have developed in collaboration with our library and DEIB departments to address potential book concerns.
avatar for Casey Andrews

Casey Andrews

English Language Arts Coordinator, 8-12, Watertown High School
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST

10:55am EST

Educating Human Beings: Authenticity, Agency, and Transformationally Relevant Schools
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
Too often students experience school as a series of things that happens to them over which they have little or no control. This leads to transactional mindsets and a sense that all school is for is investing in future (markers of) success: college/university acceptance, major, grad school, career, salary. This session challenges educators and leaders to think of school as an investment in who our students are now, as people developing identities, figuring out how they want to see and be seen in the world, forging world views, and determining how they want to act and interact with others. Through a spider chart activity on educational models, a discussion of ways to leverage external motivators (like grades) for intrinsic passion development, and a reflection on what constitutes true 21st century skills and capacities, participants will acquire strategies and tactics for combatting relevance resistance and for making school more human-centered.
avatar for Marc Aronson

Marc Aronson

Dean of Acadmics, Cheshire Academy
Marc Aronson is Dean of Academics at Cheshire Academy in Cheshire, Connecticut. He started there as a member of the English Department in 2008 after three years at AMSA Charter School in Marlborough, Massachusetts. He holds a BA in English from Tufts and an MSc in Comparative and... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Wright

Rachel Wright

Director of the Merle-Smith Campus, Moravian Academy
Rachel serves as the upper school director at Moravian Academy in Bethlehem, PA, the ninth oldest independent school in the nation. Rachel got her start in education as a math teacher in the School District of Philadelphia and made the switch to independent schools in 2011. Rachel... Read More →
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST

10:55am EST

From Questioning to Connecting
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
In this session you will learn about how questions can launch community in your classroom. All you need is a willingness to learn about others and the enthusiasm to share a little about yourself.
avatar for Mark Bernstein

Mark Bernstein

National Director, Content and Implementation, Curriculum Associates
Mark Bernstein joined the education publishing and service arena in 2004 after years of success as a youth motivational speaker, on-air television host/producer, and teacher. At every stage of his career, Mark has combined his multiple talents in public speaking, presentation design... Read More →
Friday November 22, 2024 10:55am - 11:55am EST
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